Turkey Sliders & Pinot Noir

Thanksgiving leftovers seem to be the gift that keeps on giving.  From soups to sandwiches and everything in between, it’s easy to lose your love of the bird after a day or two.  If you’re stuck in a rut, check out these turkey salad sliders for a delicious spin on that boring turkey sandwich. Or you can easily substitute left over roast chicken for this recipe. Pair with your favorite Pinot Noir for a perfect meal! The vibrant red berry fruit profile and tart cranberry aromas in Pinot makes it a great complement to the cranberry sauce. Since chicken and turkey breast are both leaner cuts of meat, it goes well with a wine with low to moderate tannins like a Pinot Noir.

Recipe: Turkey Salad Sliders


12 dinner rolls (White House or King’s Hawaiian)
3 cups shredded turkey
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
4 ounces blue cheese (stilton, gorgonzola or roquefort)
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt (more to taste if desired)
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 tablespoon Herbs de Provence
2 stalks celery (fine dice)
1 small shallot (fine dice)
1 pear or apple (small dice)
1/2 cup walnuts or pecan (course chop)
1 cup cranberry sauce (spread on top of dinner roll)
Butter (to baste dinner roll)


Split dinner rolls and baste each side with a little melted butter, grill on a griddle to golden brown. Set aside.

In a large bowl, mix mayo, sour cream, vinegar, mustard, blue cheese and seasonings and mix until all ingredients are combined. Add turkey, celery, shallot, pear/apple and walnuts and gently fold all ingredients together.

Add turkey salad mixture to bottom of dinner roll and top with a generous spoonful of cranberry sauce. Add a little arugula for a touch of green. Enjoy!


Pair with a glass of Sparkling Rose, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier or Riesling. Check out my top 10 under $30 Thanksgiving wines for some additional inspiration on wine pairings for your holiday leftovers.